All rights recerved © 2016

Camila Salame


Homes on Paper


“But now I am not I, nor is my house now my house.




‘Romance Sonámbulo’ Federico García Lorca





This series of mixed-media drawings is inspired in my work about “Home and Nostalgia”.


In the elaboration of each one of them there is a careful choosing of materials and sometimes texts that come to my attention. Beeswax, raw wool, vintage hand printed paper and joss paper * as well as wild silk threads, vintage lace and hand printed cloth. 


The main character of this series is a house/home that is reinvented every time, as if changing the emotional landscapes of our most intimate place. 


* Common in various Asian religious practices Joss paper is burned in funerals, to ensure that the spirit of the deceased has lots of good things in the afterlife.




‘The tangle of remembering and forgetting’ 

Hand Printed vintage paper, paint, raw sheep wool . 19 x 21 cm (2016)



‘Miracle waters’

Hand Printed vintage paper cutouts, texts, tracing paper. 19 x 21 cm (2016)




‘What lies so still and silent’

Hand Printed vintage paper, paint, beeswax and cotton lace. 19 x 21 cm (2016)